Don't Forget to Hope

Election Day. It's finally here. I don't know about Bush and Kerry, but my tumbly is a bit rumbly about the whole thing. There is just so much on the line here, and you know what I mean unless you've been living in a cave. I have decided to take a break from the coverage. The spin on the cable news channels is just annoying. According to them, a long protracted recount is a foregone conclusion. The contrarian in me is thinking no way and here's why.
This morning at 9:30 a.m. when I went to my local voting precinct I was amazed by the lines. It wasn't just elderly folks either, there were lots of middle-aged and younger folks. The poll workers said that there had been lines since the polls opened at 7:00 a.m.
It just made me feel good that people are taking this election so seriously. I don't have a crystal ball - or a Magic 8 Ball for that matter, but I think people are ready for change. I think enough of them will turn out, that a recount won't be necessary (fingers crossed!). It never hurts to hope.
I'm Susan, and I approved this message.
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