Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Premature Presidential Contention

Well, I guess it has been a while (like years...) since I actually purchased a copy of our local paper, Townsend Times. I avoided it because it was little more than recycled news from Ayer and a weekly newsletter of what was happening with the Hartnett grandchildren. I didn't have high hopes when it was taken over by MediaNews Group. Yes, that MediaNews Group, the same newspaper group that owns the Lowell Sun.

The folks at the Sun aren't exactly known for their progressive point of view. That is why I was so surprised that they now have a progressive columnist, Chris Mills.

Chris has a great column up right now about what an empty suit Mitt Romney is. This is particularly great: (read it quick, it is only available for 14 days)

"In contrast to this group is another kind of politician, that transparent man who wears his ambition on his sleeve, who palpably lacks the greatness of spirit necessary to elevate him to the level of his own aspirations. You can hear its absence in what he says. You can see it in what he does. Think of Steve Forbes, Dan Quayle, Spiro Agnew, Ross Perot and Zell Miller.

Here in Massachusetts we have a specimen of this latter group. I mean that most premature of presidential candidates, Mitt Romney."

It is maddening that our so-called governor has been spending more time out of the state pandering to Republicans in primary states instead of working hard to get the people's business done here in Massachusetts. His recent actions on Stem Cell research, emergency contraception and welfare limits, not to mention his trip to Israel, are all designed to make him appear more electable. Jeez, I wished he'd just go already.

Is it 2006 yet?