Tuesday, March 14, 2006

The Eyes of a Prizefighter and the Look of a Champion

Better Late Than Never Rally Blogging.

Okay, I'm putting the audioblog thing behind me and I will soldier on. *sniff*

I am SO glad that my group got to Faneil Faneuil Hall early! When we got to the line there was maybe 20 or so folks waiting. While we were waiting to go in, I got a chance to visit with friends and folks from other DTCs and the Acton-Area DFA. Lynne (Left in Lowell) and her crew were there as well. I kept my eyes out for Andy (Mass Revolution Now!) and sco (.08 Acres), but I didn't see them. I didn't know that massmarrier (Marry in Massachusetts) was going, or I'd have been looking for him too!

I had two very special guests with me; my husband Chris and my son Anthony. Chris is one of those folks that Deval Patrick talks about who have checked out of the political process because they just don't see the point of being involved. These are the types of folks that Deval wants to bring back into the process.

My husband is a voter, but until recently he was an unenrolled voter, although he's always voted democratic (at least, that's what he's told me!). He switched his affiliation to Dem so he could vote for our town's Deval Patrick slate in February. Other than that, I didn't think he had much interest in the race yet. So when I told my guys I was going to the rally, I was pleasantly surprised when they asked if they could tag along.

My son is a Deval event veteran, having joined me in Fitchburg, but my husband had never attended any political event before. I think it was a lot for him to drink in. He said he throughly enjoyed the rally and was very impressed with Deval's speech. He really liked the message. No pie in the sky, just plain common sense together with the idea of what is possible -- and a commitment to just damn hard work.

Afterward, we waded out into the crowd. I stopped to say goodbye to some folks and my guys got carried off into the crowd. When Deval finished up addressing the crowd and speaking with the press he walked through the crowd saying hello and greeting his supporters. My guys caught up with me and we headed into the reception.

My husband told me that he had a chance to say hello to Deval and shake his hand. My husband, who is not the type to be overly impressed with politicians said to me that Deval Patrick had the eyes of a prizefighter and the look of a champion.

I think that description of Deval Patrick suits him perfectly.

Check out the campaign's coverage of the rally here. You can read and hear his speech, and watch video clips.

sco at .08 has a great wrap-up of the rally -- even though he didn't get in. :-(

massmarrier also didn't get in, but has a great wrap up too.

Michael Forbes Wilcox took some great photos of the rally. I especially like the picture of Diane Patrick

My pictures are here at flickr
