Wednesday, March 01, 2006

I Liked It Better the First Time I Heard It.

In a blog post titled, "Moving Massachusetts Forward", JumboDem over at the very good Idealism Without Illusions called our attention to the press release sent out today by the Reilly campaign detailing his "vision for the Commonwealth."

Except there is not much there -- there. Just a press release.
It starts out pretty good though:

"Speaking first to business leaders at the North Shore Chamber of Commerce in Danvers and then to students at the Brookmeadow Elementary School in Needham, Reilly outlined his S.M.A.R.T. (Science + Math Achieve the Rewards of Tomorrow) initiative. The initiative offers specific, comprehensive proposals to recruit and train highly skilled math and science teachers, engage the business community, better motivate students and close the "interest" gaps among women and minorities, and produce more college graduates with degrees in math, science, engineering and technology."

Specific, comprehensive proposals sounds good, let's hear 'em. Oh...wait:

"It is the first proposal of Reilly's "Massachusetts Action Plan," details of which will be rolled out in the coming weeks."

You've got to be kidding.

As I mentioned to JumboDem in comments at Illusions, Deval Patrick has had detailed policy papers, titled, wait for it... Moving Massachusetts Forward up on his website -- for months.

Those policy papers outline Deval's tangible vision of his plans to truly move Massachusetts forward and isn't just a press release with gimmicky acronyms and vague promises to rolled out in coming weeks.

So if this is Reilly v.2 regrouped and rebounded, I honestly don't see the difference.

Deval Patrick Rally
March 11 - Faneuil Hall

I'll be there!
