Saturday, January 29, 2005

Stepping Forward

So here I am after a bit of a break. I have been working on the hockey blog and just regular life type stuff kept getting in the way so I haven't been updating this blog. Now I'm ready to get back into the swing of things.

The election in November really brought out the activist in me. The results are what they are, but there is no reason why I should sit around and wait for the next presidential election to get involved. I decided to look into my local Democratic Town Commitee. Last week, I attended my first meeting. I planned to sit and listen and not really get involved. That lasted about 10 minutes. The next thing I knew, I was appointed to be our Town's Affirmative Action Outreach Coordinator. (or something like that...)

I'm getting a bit ahead of myself here. Let me start at the beginning. When I arrived at Town Hall for the meeting, I was introduced to the DTC Chairperson, Amy. (I'm just going to use first names for privacy sake) I also met a very nice married couple, Mike and Eileen. Lorna, Gene and a very elderly lady, who's name I didn't get. Last, but not least, the recently retired principal of my son's middle school, Kerry. Nice folks.

However, it did not seem like anyone knew for certain what was going on. It was a very ad-hoc type meeting. I thought the meetings had just recently resumed after a break, but I was told that this was the seventh meeting this group had. Very surprising.

I mentioned that I had trouble tracking down the DTC because there was not any public information available. They told me that they were working on doing better publicity. I asked about a website. Amy told me that there was no website, but that they would like one, so I volunteered to help out. The State Convention is coming up in May, and they are looking for delegates to send. I told them that I would be available to go, but we have to caucus on that in February. We left it at that.

The next meeting is this week. It will be interesting to see what happens next.